
Details of different events are as follows:

Drone Training in Center for Precision Agriculture PMAS-UAAR

Drone Training in Center for Precision Agriculture PMAS-UAAR

International Pak-Korea UAV Pilot Training

International Pak-Korea UAV Pilot Training

Setup of Stall in Agriculture Exhibition, Spring Festival UAF

Setup of Stall in Agriculture Exhibition, Spring Festival UAF

International Seminar on Smart Agriculture to Optimize field inputs and add value to yield: Examples from Potato Industry

International seminar on smart agriculture to Optimize field Inputs


To View the Pictures of Dr. Ahmad Al-Mallahi’s Visit to Center for Precision Agriculture Click on the Link Below

Dr Ahmad Al Mallahi Visit


To view the Pictures of the demonstration of precision agricultural technologies click on the link below:

Demonstration in MNS multan

Successful visit of President of Pakistan for the Inauguration Carmony of C4PA

First of all team DDSDP conducted a Hand’s on training workshop on VRT from 15th to 19th December 2020.
Link is given below.

VRT Hand’s on Training Workshop

GIS & GNSS Hands on Training Workshop Organized by Project DDSDP on 3-4 August 2021. link is given below.

GIS Training Workshop

GIS & GNSS Hands on Training Workshop in Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam Sindh from 4 to 6 October 2021.
link is given below.

SAU Training Workshop

Training Workshop on Smart Potato Cultivation & Strategies for Value Chain Development
link is given below.

Smart Potato Cultivation Training

Training Workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management.

Training on Integrated water resources management

1st Precision Agriculture Pakistan Conference 2022 organized By Precision Agriculture Center Under the project DDSDP.

First Precision Agriculture Pakistan Conference Conference Organized by Center for Precision Agriculture for 3 days.

Precision Agriculture Pakistan Conference Day-1
Precision Agriculture Pakistan Conference Day-2
Precision Agriculture Pakistan Conference Day-3

Team DDSDP also Arranged some international Seminars/Webinars:

The details of International Seminars/Webinars is as follows:

The Role of Sensors in Digital Agriculture and How to Develop Applicable Systems at the Growers Level on 18 December 2020.

Link is given below.

Sensor’s Webinar

Smart Agricultural Technologies for Potato Production on 10 November 2021.

International Seminar on Smart Agriculture Technologies

International Seminar on Sustainable Smart Agriculture

International Seminar on smart Sustainable Smart Agriculture

International Seminar on China-Pakistan Beidou Navigation and Precision Agriculture Technology.

China Pakistan Beidou Navigation Technology